Friday, August 24, 2012

Week 31

  • Dan left for Indiana on Sunday. Lily and I dropped him off at Laguardia Airport around 12:30/1:00pm. Stupid work training class keeping Dan away from us for almost a week. I just picked him up at the airport last night (Thursday). His plane came in around 11:08pm. Lily and I are so happy he is home with us again. 
  • Lily couldn't stop staring at her Daddy this morning. The first thing she did when she saw him for the first time since Sunday, was stare, smile, and touch his face. Then she grabbed his fingers and put them in her mouth.
  • Lily is now rocking on all fours. Still just pushing herself backwards, but now that she's actually getting up on her knees it shouldn't be long until she's moving forward. I keep the video camera next to me at all times now just incase she crawls for the first time and Dan isn't here to see it.
  • I made a daily/weekly cleaning and to-do list schedule for myself and it has been working out great! I even make a weekly dinner menu. Now I have a plan of attack for each day rather than just winging it. I get side tracked easily and I'm forgetful, so having a schedule keeps me from slacking. 
  • On Wednesday I bought Lily size 12 month pajamas. She's still wearing 9 months, but she's getting to be too tall/long for them. The 12 month size is fantastic 'cause they are 2-piece. No more struggling with those tiny snaps or trying to bend her right leg just enough to squeeze into the leg hole of the sleepers that zip up. Yay!

This Week In Pictures
Waking up from a nap

Best friends!
Jill hiding behind Lily
Nice doggy
Excited by Jill's kisses!
This Week In Videos

Lily is such a content baby. She's so good, We are very lucky!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Week 30 - 7 Months

  • Lily turned 7 months old on Tuesday the 14th. Dan and I can't believe how fast time is going by and we know we have to cherish every moment.
  • Lily helped me do laundry in our apartment's laundry room on Thursday. I bought a bike lock so I can lock up the stroller while we go down to the laundry room. They have laundry carts so I put Lily in one with our laundry. She was so good and I feel like I may be able to do the laundry on my own now instead of waiting for Dan to come home from work or bringing our laundry to our parent's houses. I can't wait to have a house so doing the laundry won't be a huge task. One more year.
  • Lily's thighs aren't as chubby as they have been. I am so glad she doesn't seem to have "The Maier Curse." I'm sure it's because of Dan's genes - skinny legs run in his family.
  • How many mosquito bites can one baby get? Geez! Every time Lily's outside she gets a mosquito bite or two. That goes for me and Dan also. Heck, last night (Thursday) there must have been a mosquito in our apartment 'cause I woke up with 4 new bites on my feet and ankles. 
  • Lily likes when I go through the alphabet like: "A" is for apple, "B" is for banana, …, …. She watches my mouth closely and then laughs.
This Week In Pictures

OMG! Lily looks like a sad little puppy.

This Week In Videos

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Week 29

Last Saturday we went to Hobart Beach in Northport for the annual "Cousins Beach Day" with my family. This was Lily's first time at a beach. Because she has such fair skin, like her mommy and daddy, I didn't want to bring her to a beach until next year, but we didn't want to miss this day. Of course I would be kicking myself later that day for not going with my "wait at least a year" plan. We got to the beach and all was good. My mom brought her pack and play so Lily would have a place to sit and lay down. Since Hobart Beach is on the north shore, it is rocky instead of sandy so not that great to lay on. Anyway, I put Lily in the pack and play and sat down in a beach chair next to her. Dan and I ate our lunch then Dan went off to go tubing on my cousin's boat. It was getting to be time for Lily to eat so I fed her some pears and as I was setting her up to give her bottle to her, I noticed how red her cheeks were and her right eye was a little puffy. Oh no! She was over heated and starting to cry. I grabbed her bottle and carried her off to the car, put the air conditioner on full blast and fed her the bottle. Calm now, I thought about just hanging out for the remainder of the time in the car. I didn't want Lily to get any more over heated than she had already.

An hour past and I figured it wouldn't be too much longer until everyone got back from the boat ride and we would go to my cousin's house for a BBQ and to go in the pool. It turned out Lily and I were in the air conditioned car for about 2 hours! Oh well. At least we were out of the heat and everybody else had a good time in it.

Off to my cousin's house we went. Ahh, the pool. It was a nice contrast to the very hot beach. Dan, Lily, and I were the only ones in the pool since we got there earlier than the crowd thanks to my cousin Carol for leaving the beach a little early so Lily and I didn't have to stay in the car for another hour! The water felt great and Lily was cooled off, which was all I cared about.

About an hour later everybody else started showing up and we had a great BBQ. The bugs seemed to have a great BBQ themselves as Dan and I later noticed on our and Lily's arms and legs. Later in the evening before Dan and I decided to go home, I gave Lily a bath. Thanks again Carol for the use of your kitchen sink!

All in all we had a great time. The first half of the day, Dan really enjoyed the boat ride and tubing while Lily and I enjoyed the air conditioned car and the second half we all enjoyed just hanging with my family with some good food and laughs.

This Week In Pictures
(You would think I would have more pics of the beach and BBQ, but sadly I do not)

In the air conditioned car at Hobart Beach. My Dad put his hat on Lily and wants to send it in to Paris Hotel in Las Vegas.
At my cousin's house. Lily all comfy now after a swim in the pool.
Thought I'd throw in this pic of Dan enjoying some BBQ wings my Mom made.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Week 28

  • Lily absolutely LOVES pears. She can't get enough of them. Guess I'll be buying a lot more pears.
  • Last Saturday Dan, Lily, and I went to a BBQ a guy that Dan works with was having. It was nice to meet people that Dan works with. Found out that one of the guys lives right down the block from us. Small world!
  • Lily was so good at the BBQ. Everybody said she is so cute. Fortunately no one noticed when Lily spit up all over the couch we were sitting on. Luckily the couch was leather so I cleaned it up real quick and no harm done! If it was a fabric couch I would've felt horrible. I guess having a baby means that you sometimes will be saying "sorry about that" a lot more often than you ever had to before.
  • I positioned Lily on her hands and knees but she wouldn't crawl. I should probably stop doing that though. Crawling means baby proofing and there is A LOT to baby proof in our apartment.
  • Instead of crawling, Lily rolls. She'll roll from her back to her stomach, then her stomach to her back, over and over, and over again. Maybe she won't ever crawl. Maybe rolling is her way of getting around right now. Next she'll be walking. 

This Week In Pictures

Not crawling yet. Right after this photo was taken she did a face-plant into to floor.
Lily looks too scared to crawl.

This Week In Videos