Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Update On Some Testing

OK. So my last post had some not so good news. This post is a little better. As Dan will tell me, since he "yelled" at me for keeping it 'til the end, I will start off by telling you the results of the fFN Test. NEGATIVE!!! This means that I have a 99.2% chance of NOT giving birth within the next 2 weeks (from the date the test was given). Phew! That's a little comforting. I'll most likely be retested next week  and let's hope again that I still get a negative result.

The next test result I got back was for the gestational diabetes. That was also a negative! I wasn't too concerned with this one since I didn't have a problem when pregnant with Lily.

Now the last test result which came out positive. It seems that when they checked my urine, which they do every time I go in to the office, it came back positive for a urinary track infection. Of course. One more medication to add to my long list. I now am on HUGE antibiotic pills 2x's a day for 7 days. Now that I think about it, this is probably the reason why every time I have to go to the bathroom it hurts. I thought it was just from two babies pressing on my bladder. Good thing they test the urine, otherwise it could've gotten a lot more serious than it is now.

So, what now? Well, I still have a shortened cervix. I go to the OB once a week. My next appointment is on Thursday where my OB will most likely be measuring my cervix again. Next week, they'll most likely do the cervix check and the fFN test again. I don't believe I will need another steroid shot, but we'll see.

Anyway. Dan and I are a bit relieved for now and can sorta rest easy until next week. I don't know about Dan, but I am not mentally prepared to have these two babies within a month. My due date is November 20th, which seems a good distance away. Unfortunately, we are probably looking at their arrival sometime in September. Hopefully it's more towards the end of the month than the beginning. That'll give them a better chance at not having too many struggles.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Every Day From Now On Counts!

Dan and I are a little more than nervous right now with new information we got from my OB yesterday, Wednesday (8/6). Two weeks ago my cervix was shortened to 2.6cm. As of yesterday it is shortened to .9cm. When normal cervix length when pregnant at around 25 weeks is, on average, 3cm, having to be told it is .9cm is scary.

So, what does this mean? It means pre-term labor and it can come at any time now. Thankfully I am not dilated and both baby's heart rates are really good and strong. I had a steroid shot Wednesday to help mature their lungs. I went in again today, Thursday (8/7) to have another steroid shot and a test called Fetal Fibronectin or fFN Test. This test determines if I will deliver as soon as 2 weeks. Hopefully not. I'm 25 weeks along so we hope and pray these 2 little ones will hold out until at least 30 weeks. The lungs are the last to develop and don't fully develop until week 35, hence the steroid shots. So fingers crossed that when Killian and Piper come into this world, their lungs are strong enough and they are healthy enough to: a) survive and b) not have any major health issues.

My OB gave me his cell number and told me that any little cramp, leaking, or blood, go straight to the hospital and call him on the way. Sounds serious. Well, I guess it is. After everything that Dan and I have been through in these past 5 years to have ourselves a family, this is just one more hurdle to get through. Nothing has come easily for us in this journey and to be honest, I'm getting sick of it! There are people out there that get pregnant by accident and don't even care. Then you have people like myself and Dan who have struggled through two miscarriages, testing, uterine surgery, 4 IUI's to get Lily, 5 failed IUI attempts to get pregnant again, IVF, news of twins, and now a shortened cervix with the more than possible outcome of delivering before 35 weeks. I'm not a praying woman, but please, pray that everything will be OK!!

Well, now that we are on "High Alert" I guess I need to pack my hospital bag right away. With Lily, I packed the day my water broke at 37 weeks. I can't really do that with these two. I need to be ready because once something happens I'm rushing to the hospital.

Ugh! This is so stressful and I'm trying so hard to remain calm, not only for myself, but for Dan and especially for Lily.