Friday, June 29, 2012

Weeks 22 and 23

Dear Blog,

It's been 2 weeks since my last post. I am sorry and fear that I may have forgotten some things that have happened. What I have not forgotten will be listed below.
  1. On June 16th Lily tried fruit for the first time! See the videos below of her first try of 3 fruits: bananas, apples, and avocado. I pureed all the fruit myself with the Baby Bullet. Thank you to my in-laws for getting that for us! 
  2. Also on the 16th, we went into Brooklyn to shoot the Team Inspirasian short film: The Choke Artists. This was part of the 72 hour film shootout that our friends Kevin and Angela do almost every year. Thank you guys for using my idea!
  3. Dan's 1st Father's Day was the 17th. Lily and I got him a gift certificate for a massage. Dan needs it after all the long, hard days he's been having at work. I do appreciate all that he does for us. He's a great husband and an awesome father.
  4. Lily is reaching and grabbing more and more these days. It's great when I can put something in front of her and she takes it from me.
  5. Lily is rolling over from her back to her stomach like a champ. She does it all the time now and is loving it! 
  6. In the mornings I wake up to the sound of Lily talking to herself. Who needs an alarm clock when you have the sweet sounds of baby?
  7. On Wednesday, June 20th, we were forced to go to a hotel for a week. Our apartment had mold once more in our bedroom. They did not fix the problem correctly the first time around 5 years ago, so they finally had a mold specialist take a look and take care of the situation. Problem was that we had to clear the bedroom of everything. EVERYTHING!! Even the closets had to be cleared. This lent no room for us to live in the apartment for a week. They put us up in an extended stay hotel from the 20th to the 27th. What a hassle. The only good part about this whole deal was the fact that when we put our room back together we rearranged the furniture and the bedroom looks much better now. 
  8. Dan turns 37 on the 29th (today). We plan on seeing a movie over the weekend. We rarely go to the movie theater so this will be a treat. I'll tell you more about his day next week!
Week 22 In Photos

In Prospect Park, Brooklyn filming The Choke Artists
Lily The Flying Nun!

Playing with her toys
Lily was fascinated by the balloon 
 Week 23 In Photos

Too funny!! Love the expression on her face!
Daddy and Lily match
Lily thinks Luke is funny. LOOK AT LILY SITTING UP BY HERSELF!
Just hanging with Kayla

Jill went up onto the bed, kissed Lily on the head then laid down

Week 22 In Videos

Week 23 In Videos

• On a side note, somebody actually hit the "Dislike" button on this video. How stupid is that! •

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week 21

So much happened this week:
  1. Lily is now grabbing her feet and toes when she lays on her back!
  2. On Saturday, we welcomed Lily to the world by throwing her a party. This was in leu of a christening. Dan and I are not religious but still wanted to celebrate Lily's arrival. She wore a beautiful dress that Grams (my Mom) bought her. She looked so pretty. Grams made mostly all of the food and desserts which everyone loved. Lily's Grandma (Dan's Mom) made a great layered dip, a garden salad, and fruit salad. She also bought an awesome Baskin Robins ice cream cake that everyone said was so yummy. I didn't get to have a piece :( . Lily's Great Aunt SuSu made eggplant parmesan. I made chocolate chip cookies and caramel apple pie. It was a great day and Lily was such a good baby girl. ***Greatest line from the party goes to Kaylee (Dan's friend Matt's daughter): while I was holding Lily up to make her stand on the floor - my hands under her arms, Kaylee asked in a surprising tone, "Are those her real arms?" So cute!
  3. Sunday we went over my parent's house to get some left overs from the party to bring home. Lily had so much fun laughing at a water bottle Grams was shaking (watch the video below).
  4. Lily rolled over from her back to her front for the first time on Wednesday! (watch the video below)
  5. Thursday Lily turned 5 months old. Our little girl is growing so fast.
This Week In Pictures
Lily and Diggity
Jill loves Lily

Lily loved hanging out in the hammock with Aunt Krissy

Lily in her beautiful dress that Grams bought her

Yummy ice cream cake that Lily's Grandma bought for the party. 
4 Generations of Girls on my side! This is NOT everyone.
From left to right standing (according to Lily): 2nd Cousin DeeDee, Great Aunt Diane, 2nd cousin Nancy, 2nd cousin Louise, Aunt Jackie, Lily, Mommy, Grams, Great Great Aunt Ann, Great Great Aunt Dotty, 2nd cousin once removed Kate, 2nd cousin Carol, Great Aunt Debbie, 1st cousin once removed Shelby, soon-to-be Aunt Cici
From left to right kneeling: 2nd cousin once removed Lyndsey, Aunt Krissy, 2nd cousin once removed Jenn, 2nd cousin once removed Sarah, 1st cousin once removed Anne
Sprawled on the floor: Great Aunt SuSu
From left to right: Bob Braine, Harry Wackett and Wanda Wackett, Barbara Braine, Lily's Great Uncle Joe (Gorman) and Great Aunt Judy (Gorman), Lily, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, and Grandpa
Minnie and Mickey! A gift from her Great Uncle Artie.
Lily's face is priceless! She's like, "Why are they doing this to me?"

Just hanging out with Aunt Krissy
Lily feels grass for the first time!

Lily laughing at a water bottle. Watch the video below.
New this week: Lily holds her feet now!
This Week In Videos
Don't forget to watch all of the videos from this week on our YouTube Page

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week 20

What we did this week:
  1. Saturday we went to a summer party at our friends Chris and Laurie's house. It was a nice day for it. Lily met a bunch of new people and I got to see what it felt like to hang with a bunch of mommies (I'm in that group now!!).
  2. Sunday we went to Caumsett State Park on Lloyd Harbor near Huntington. It started off as a beautiful day but as we were walking the skies blackened. The wind picked up and the rain started to fall. It felt like a hurricane, it was so windy. We covered Lily as best as we could in her stroller and ran to the car - about a mile away!
  3. Lily loves oatmeal and barley. She eats it all up! Rice is a different story though. She does not like rice. She takes a few spoonfuls and starts to cry. When we fed it to her she spit up so much of her formula she had afterwards. So we don't know if she just doesn't like the taste of rice or it doesn't agree with her tummy. Guess we won't be giving her rice anytime soon.
  4. I started putting Lily in her crib for naps during the day this week. My Mom said it's better than having her take naps on the couch. I figured as much, 'cause when we laid Lily down for a nap on the couch she covered her face with her blanket. Guess it was too bright in the living room to take a nap. Once in her crib with the curtains closed, she fell right to sleep.

This Week In Pictures

Lily's cool shorts that fit like capris!

That's the George Weir Barn behind them. It was built in 1764

We made it to the car! Stupid rain :(

This Week In Videos

Friday, June 1, 2012

Week 19

During Lily's 19th week:
  1. We went to see the tall ships out in Greenport on Sunday. The first time Lily wore sunblock. It worked! No sunburn for her :) She did an awesome job with the car ride out there. Slept most of the way.
  2. Lily saw her Great Aunt Sue's house out in Greenport for the first time. She cried when we first got there. I think she was scared of the new surroundings. 
  3. Lily wore her new sandals and couldn't take her eyes off of them for a good 20 minutes.
  4. I got a new Mommy necklace. You can see it in the first photo below. It has a photo of Lily on one pendant, "Lily" written on the other pendant, "Mom" written on the center pendant, and two little heart charms with baby feet embossed on them for our two angel babies.
  5. Lily did some tummy time out on the grass on Monday.
  6. Lily's eating her oatmeal like a champ! She not only eats it off her spoon, but tries to eat it off her bib and the tray of her high chair!
  7. I decided to get contacts since I seem to be wearing my glasses more often. I've had them since Tuesday and am still getting use to them. I do feel like I see better with my glasses though. Oh well. At least Lily won't be grabbing at my glasses when she starts grabbing for things.
  8. Lily's been a little fussy this week. I think she may be getting her first tooth any day now, even though I can't see or feel any. She's been drooling like crazy, always has her fingers in her mouth, moves her tongue around, and sucks in her bottom lip. 
This Week In Pictures

This Week In Video