Thursday, March 29, 2012

Celebrating 6 Wonderful Years

Nap time on Daddy after a meal

Our 6 year anniversary of the day Dan and I first met was on the 25th. We also had a 2 1/2 year anniversary of our wedding on the 26th. Because of these two occasions we dropped Lily off at my parent's house last Saturday so we could spend the day alone together. We got some shopping done then went out to dinner and a movie. Dinner was good. We had never been to The Melting Pot in Melville so we decided to go there. It was expensive but the dessert made it well worth it! Everything there was fondue.

YUM!!!!!! I would go back just for the dessert.

I had the Love Martini: Malibu rum, Peach Schnapps, cranberry juice and fresh strawberries.

I am such a light weight. It was very good but since I haven't had a drink in over two years, I drank only half of it and was very buzzed. I decided not to drink the rest of it since we were going to the movies afterward.

We went to see The Artist. Dan and I both enjoyed it. I really love old black and white movies and to have this made today hopefully will get more people to take a look back at when movies were at there best. I can't wait to watch all my favorites with Lily when she gets older. If you want to see some really great black and white movies, I'll suggest a few:

Friday, March 23, 2012

2 Month Checkup

Lily's 1st St. Patrick's Day - 3/17/12

Lily went for her 2 month checkup Wednesday and all is well. Here are her stats:

1 month checkup (February 20th): 9 pounds, 10 ounces, 22 inches
2 month checkup (March 21st): 12 pounds, 4 ounces, 22 3/4 inches

Wow! Our baby girl is doing great. Doc said she's in the 79th percentile with weight. Whatever that means. I don't really care about percentiles when it comes to Lily or anything else. Lily will grow at her own rate. I'm not over or under feeding her so it wouldn't matter to me if she was even in the 100 percentile. I feed Lily on demand, not on a schedule. She has her own schedule, just like adults do. Eat when you're hungry. Lily is pretty predictable when it comes to eating. She normally takes bottles at 5am, 9:30am, 2pm, 5pm, and 10pm - give or take 1/2 hour to hour. Luckily she gives us a good 6 to 7 hours of sleep at night. Being that she'll only be 10 weeks old tomorrow, sleeping through the night is awesome!!

Here's a chart that says Lily is in the 77.6 percentile: Don't forget to change the calculations to US/pounds if you want to check out your own baby's percentile. 

This was at 4:30 this morning- sorry about the low lighting.

Lily is making more and more sounds each day. We love to listen to her talk and laugh. I try to capture as much of it on video during the day so Dan can hear and see her doing it. Otherwise, it's my word against Lily's that she actually is making a lot of sounds. Sometimes she'll do it for me all day but when Dan comes home from work she'll be quiet or she won't do it as much. Getting it on video makes me feel like I'm not hyping up Lily to be a super baby only in my head - she really is a super baby!! OK, she's one to me and Dan.

OMG! I am living in a dreamworld where I have everything I've ever wanted - a loving husband and a beautiful baby. Also, I haven't had any new infections/abscesses in my breast recently so I'm healing well and am in no pain (knock on wood). I have been able to do more around the apartment and with Lily and I feel like a wife and mother again! I have been enjoying every second of my health with my family and am ecstatic that the weather is getting warmer and I'm able to get outside with my baby girl - even if it's just to take out the trash.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lily is 2 months old

Wow, time is moving fast. Already 2 months as of yesterday. Lily is doing great! She is recognizing me and Dan by smiling when she sees us. It's the best feeling when she smiles at me. If a smile can make me feel ecstatic, how will it feel when she calls me mommy?

Lily had her first trip to the mall yesterday with me and her aunt Krissy. It was so beautiful out that the sun was in Lily's eyes the whole ride there. Krissy thought Lily should have sunglasses. We didn't buy the sunglasses, but doesn't Lily look like the coolest baby on the block?!

What a waste of a trip to the mall. We went there because I had a coupon to Gymboree and Lily needed pants to go with all the onesies she has. Gymboree had nothing in her size. They said they don't carry leggings in 0-3 month size. How stupid is that?

I love taking video of Lily. I like to show Dan part of Lily's day when he gets home from work.

I had my 6th infection in my left breast last weekend. I think I cleared it up myself, now that I know what to do when I get one. At least I didn't need a 3rd surgery. Now I'm just waiting to go back to the hospital tomorrow for a breast sonogram to see what's going on in there. Hopefully there is no more new infections and I'm on my way to healing for good.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What's Mommyhood Feel Like?

Hmm. That's a question for someone else. Right now I have had only a glimpse of mommyhood. Not because Lily is only 8 weeks old on Saturday, but because I have had so many issues with my health I haven't been able to really enjoy being a Stay At Home Mom and taking care of my little one. I am thankful that I had my family and in-laws to help me after I had the two surgeries - especially my sister Jackie who got up real early Monday through Thursday for two weeks to be with me and Lily. Dan leaves for work a little bit before 6am, so she was getting here at 5:30am. She changed diapers, fed Lily, washed bottles. She even cleaned my bathtub. All because I was unable to lift my baby girl and move around due to pain and medication. I am also very thankful for my mom. She came over after work to get me motivated to take a shower. You know how it is: your not feeling well, you're all cozy on the couch, you're woozy from medication - who wants to take a shower? I didn't, but my mom was there to get me going knowing that I needed to change my bandages and run water over the incision sights. I guess that's what moms are there for: to get your butt in gear. I'll probably be doing that with Lily as well. Can't wait. She'll think I'm a nag, but everything will be for her own good. (No mom, I don't think you are a nag).

I don't want to forget to mention my awesome husband, Dan. Without him to help me through everything, I think I would fall apart. He is amazing and has really been the best husband and father ever. But that's not a surprise for me. Ever since I met Dan he has been there for me with nothing but support and love. I definitely hit the jackpot when I met him. I love him so much that he still makes me giddy like a school girl.

With everything that has happened from the two miscarriages, fertility treatments, very intense labor, and now these boob issues, Dan and I are unsure if we want another baby. I have always wanted to be a mom and thought I would have at least two children, but after all that's happened, I'm just not sure I want to go through all this again. I know it may be different the next time around, but do I want to take that chance? I have one beautiful, healthy little girl and I would be so happy if she was it. On the other hand though, I would like for Lily to grow up with a brother or sister. That way she would always have somebody to talk to and somebody who would always be there when things are tough. Parents are good for those things too, but sometimes you can't talk to your parents. Sometimes, you need a brother or a sister. They are better than friends because friends come and go, but family is forever.

I know she's my daughter and I should think this, but how friggin' cute is Lily?! OMG!!

I guess Dan and I should take some time to think this through. I mean, Lily is just 8 weeks old and everything that I'm going through is so new and fresh in our minds. Actually, the more I think about it, we probably will have another.

That was me at 1 day before 2 months old in my Christening dress and Lily today at 6 days before 2 months old. I do think that Lily has Dan's nose, even though it's too early to tell. But her cheeks, mouth, and eyes are all me. Even though she looks like me now, I wonder what she will look like in a month, 2 months, 6 months, a year from now. She's changing everyday. She's even learned how to smile.

I know this is blurry, but it's a great smile!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Can I Play the "Why Me" Card?

Yes, why me? My left breast looks like it's been through a minefield. Not only did I have surgery on the 9th of this month which left me with 3 holes in my breast, but last Saturday I went to the ER and had surgery again which left me with a 4th hole. I weighed myself after this last surgery and I lost 2 pounds. Could they have sucked that much infection from me that it weighed that much?? Will my boob ever be the same again? I think if I get another abscess I'll have to cut off my breast… I don't think I have any room on there for another hole. The 3 infections the first time were staph infections, this time it was cellulitis. How the hell did I get that? Sad news: I have another red, hot spot on my breast by one of the holes. Could this be the start of yet another abscess? OMG, I pray to the boob Gods the answer is NO!!

The surgery was done right in the ER this time. I went to the ER with a packed bag thinking I would be admitted. Dan and I saw one of the surgeons that helped me the last time and she couldn't believe I was back. Because she knew my history and looked in on my surgery, she decided that instead of admitting me, she would be able to do the procedure right then and there. I got hooked up with an IV and was injected with pain meds. The meds were so strong I went cross-eyed. I didn't feel her touching the area until she injected numbing stuff with a needle into the area. That hurt a little. She then took a straw-like instrument to suck out the infection. It was so gross. The surgeon had to not only cut a new hole, but she had to re-open the hole that was just above it. I felt nauseous from the pain meds, so after she put the packing in the holes I asked the ER doctor for something to take away the nausea. I was put on IV saline and an antibiotic. The antibiotic was making me so itchy they had to give me benadryl. The benadryl lowered my heart rate so much they had to put me on oxygen. What a night! I'm glad Dan was able to stay with me the whole time. All in all we were in the ER for about 7 hours. Please let this be the end!