Friday, October 17, 2014

We Welcome Killian Orion & Piper Wren

Killian Orion & Piper Wren

Well, it happened. I gave birth to two beautiful babies. Here's how it went down:

Last Thursday (10/9) I went to my OB appointment and was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Then over the weekend I felt so exhausted and could barely move. Getting up off the couch was a chore and I was still losing my mucus plug. Monday I had another OB appointment.

Monday (10/13)

Dan had off from work because of Columbus Day. Lily went to play at my parent's house while Dan and I went off to my OB appointment. I was not so secretly hoping for my OB to tell me to go straight to the hospital to deliver. I had quite enough of this pregnancy! I was 34 weeks, 4 days along at that point.

We were called in to see my doctor. They weighed me - I gained 55 pounds this pregnancy. Ugh! My doctor came in and checked to see how dilated I was since last visit. He asked if I wanted to have these babies tonight and I said yes. I was 6cm dilated - at least that's what he told us (more on that later). He said to go home and get my things together. Get to the hospital at 6pm so they could check me in and get things going. He would get there about 8pm to break my water. Dan and I were so excited.

Dan and I got home and packed up the van. My parents brought Lily home and stayed until Dan's parents got there to watch her so they could head off to the hospital. We told Lily we were going to get Piper and Killian and that I would see her tomorrow.

We got to the hospital and by that point I was feeling some contractions. I hadn't felt any until my doctor examined me a couple of hours earlier. We got up to the labor and delivery wing of Nassau University Medical Center (NUMC). They redid it since we had Lily there over 2 1/2 years ago. It's really nice. I got my gown on and they started getting me ready by taking my blood and hooking me up to an IV. This time around I decided to get the epidural. Since I was having twins, if something were to go wrong and I needed a c-section, I wanted to be ready. A medical student asked if she could watch the birth. It would be her first time experiencing it. I said sure. I was moved into the labor room about 8pm.

The labor room was huge. There was a recliner and a table with chairs. It even had it's own bathroom. My nurse started getting me set up and my doctor came in to break my water (Killian's) at around 9pm. He then told us that I was actually 8cm dilated when we saw him earlier but he didn't want to panic me. He then told us a very funny joke and left the room for a bit. Then at around 9:30pm the epidural was administered. The epidural didn't seem to be working. It numbed my left leg and both my feet but didn't really do anything for the contractions I was having. Then about 10pm my contractions were never ending and I felt a lot of pressure. They called my doctor back into the room and he checked me. I was 10cm and Killian's head was right there. It was pushing time!

I started remembering how hard it was to push Lily out. I was pushing for about 2 hours with her. This time though, it went much faster. I gave about 4 good pushes and out Killian came at 10:14pm. He started crying, or really he made a sound like a little mouse, and I started crying. My baby boy was born! I held him for a bit while Dan cut the umbilical cord and my placenta was delivered. Then his NICU nurse took him aside to be cleaned and swaddled.

Now it was time to get Piper delivered. She was still head down! My doctor broke my water and said I could start pushing. I thought that was weird since I didn't have any contractions for her. I pushed about 3 good pushes and out Piper came at 10:20pm. That simple! I held her while Dan cut her umbilical cord and I delivered the placenta. Then her NICU nurse took her to be cleaned and swaddled.

I didn't need an episiotomy this time around but I did tear a little bit. My doctor stitched me up and I was ready to hold both of my babies!

Killian Orion, Mommy, Piper Wren

During the labor, there were about 25 medical staff in the room. Only about 8 of them actually needed to be there for me and the babies. The other's were just so excited that a vaginal twin birth was going on that they had to stop by to witness it. I was the talk of the hospital since most of them have never seen a vaginal twin birth before and the ones who have, hadn't seen one done in a very, very long time.

My awesome OB, Dr. Granoff

On Monday, October 13, 2014, at 34 weeks, 4 days along we had some good sized babies!

  • Killian Orion weighed 6 pounds, 0.5 ounces, 19.5 inches long
  • Piper Wren weighed 6 pounds, 2.2 ounces, 19.25 inches long

Healthy new additions to the Gorman family!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

34 Weeks...80% Effaced, 3 cm Dilated

OMG! 34 weeks along. Can it really be? I am amazed, although I really think this could be the last week I'll be pregnant. My mucus plug came out on Tuesday (10/7) night around 6pm. Yesterday (Wednesday, 10/8) a little more came out. I didn't realize how much mucus a mucus plug could be. Once you've come "un-glued" it could be anytime within the next two weeks that you go into labor. I don't know if I'll make it to Monday.

I had a doctor's appointment today (10/9). My OB checked to see if I was dilated. I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. What does that mean?

- The 1st picture above shows the cervix is not doing anything. It's thick and tight - nothing's getting through. 
- The 2nd picture shows the cervix is fully effaced - bye bye cervix. It also shows dilation at 1 cm. 
- I am 80% effaced and 3 cm. Almost there!

Now, I haven't felt any regular contractions but I am paying close attention to any little sign. I am sitting and sleeping with a waterproof pad under me just in case my water breaks. When I was 37 weeks with Lily my water broke. At the appointment with my midwife, the night before, I was 1-2 cm dilated but was never told of the effacement percentage. I wonder how long it will be until I go into labor this time. My bag is packed for the hospital and plans are in place for Lily. Now it's just a waiting game and at 34 weeks along, these babies will do great!

A little thought about Lily

I am thinking a lot now about Lily and how the twins will affect her and me. We have a routine in the mornings that I'm sure will change. We won't have our alone time unless the babies are napping and even then, it won't be the same. I'm over the moon happy that we are growing our family by two, but I am a bit sad that my time with Lily will never again be what it is today.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hello 33 Weeks!

Wow. Didn't think I would be here saying that I am now 33 weeks along! My doctor is happily surprised as well and gave me a high-five after sitting next to me in the waiting area at my appointment yesterday (Wednesday, 10/1). Everything looks good and we are all just hoping I make it another 2 or 3 weeks so that Killian's and Piper's lungs are fully developed.

32 weeks (9/25/14)

So here are some of the things I have been feeling being 33 weeks pregnant with twins:

  • Heartburn is my enemy. Especially at night. 
  • Tums is my friend and unfortunately, like all the friends I have ever had throughout my life, I get let down and disappointed sometimes by what it does/does not do.
  • I did not experience hemorrhoids while pregnant with Lily...but while pregnant with twins? Yup. Luckily they don't hurt though. TMI??
  • My boobs have gotten really big but you can't tell because of my gigantic belly.
  • The weight of my belly is so much that my hips give out at times and I fear that one of these days I will fall.
  • My knees are totally and completely shot. 
  • My fingers are so swollen I can't make a fist.
  • My feet look like balloons and it feels like I am walking on balloons.
  • If I sit on the floor I can't get up unless I have help.
  • I have to pee every 5 minutes. Sometimes every 2 minutes. Hell, sometimes every 5 seconds!
  • It is very difficult to lift my legs to get into the shower.
  • I take at least 2 naps a day...but not on purpose. Thank God Lily can keep herself entertained and out of trouble.
  • My belly button is pretty much non-existent. 
  • Dan says my belly looks like a tiger.
  • My skin is so stretched out on my belly that the nerve endings are showing causing very painful feelings - the wind feels like razor blades going across my belly :(
  • I still don't look pregnant from behind.
  • So far I have gained 46 pounds and I'd guess to say that about 36 of it is my belly.
  • I am pretty much house bound now with the exception of doctor's appointments, parent's and in-law's houses, and taking Lily to her drop-off class.
All of these things may seem like complaints, and maybe they are, but I do not regret this experience and will never regret it. Dan and I are lucky enough to get this chance at being parents to more than one child. We were lucky to have even had the chance of becoming parents with Lily. With that said though, I really hope these guys don't go any longer than 36 weeks. I don't think my body can handle any more weight and abuse than it has already. But, with my luck, they will defy all odds (more so than they have so far) and they will come at 40 weeks. God help me!