Friday, September 19, 2014

The Weigh-in

I had an ultrasound done today, Friday 9/19, to see how much our babies have grown. It still amazes me that I am carrying two inside of my belly. I don't think it will fully sink in until they are here in my arms. So, here are the stats:

  • Their heartbeats are within normal range
  • They both have hair on their heads that can be seen by ultrasound
  • They are still both head down
  • Killian is so far down into my cervix that I'm lucky his head isn't popping out
  • Killian is in a fetal position
  • Piper is spread out taking up all the room in there
  • I have been feeling sharp pains in one area of my belly which I found out is Piper's butt
  • Killian loves to suck on his hand and fingers
  • Piper had the hiccups during the ultrasound
  • Killan weighs 4 lbs, 4 oz
  • Piper weighs 4 lbs
  • They are both average weight
  • I have more poundage of baby right now than I had with Lily at 37 weeks - she was 8 lbs, 2 oz
  • My doctor gave me fist pumps for still being pregnant
  • I got the Tdap vaccination today (Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular Pertussis vaccine)
  • My doctor is hoping I don't go into labor until 36 weeks - That's 10/23
All in all it was a good visit. I am getting more and more debilitated as the days go on, but our babies are doing just fine. Lily is getting excited also. She was trying to play ball with them the other day by bouncing balls on my belly. She really is too cute for her own good!

30 weeks along (9/11/14)

Next up:
  • Setting up the crib
  • Putting both car seats in the van so Lily gets used to them being there
  • Putting together the bouncy seat, swing, and whatever else we might want to use right away
  • Getting what's left on our registry
AHHHHH!!!!!! It can really be any time from now until 9 weeks from now. Crazy how this time flew by. We are thankful everyday to have these two little miracles growing healthy and strong. Also thankful that Lily is such a good toddler and pray she will remain that way when she finally becomes a big sister.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

30 Weeks Along!!!

OMG! I made it to 30 weeks. I can't tell you how awesome that is since 9 weeks ago I was told my cervix was shortened and 7 weeks ago, my doctor was in a state of "controlled" panic over it. My mom jokes that I'll go over my due date of November 20th, but with the way my body works I wouldn't be surprised. We're just hoping for another 5 weeks. That'll be 35 weeks and our 2 little ones shouldn't have any issues or a long NICU stay.

Lily started the drop off program at Tots On Track today. She took a break for the summer but is back with all her little friends and most favorite teacher, Ms. Rhona. When we got there, Ms. Rhona came out and Lily said, "My Nona. Mommy home." I guess I just wasn't welcomed. LOL! I think Lily thinks Ms. Rhona is a 3rd grandma. Heck, she's been seeing her once a week since she was 8 months old, so why not? Lily always hugs her and wants to sit on her lap. It'll be sad when she won't be going there anymore (next year). But I will want to do the Mommy and Me class with the twins so Lily can always visit.

This past Sunday, the 6th, we had a family BBQ and Diaper Party to celebrate becoming a family of 5. It was a small gathering, about 25 people. It was nice to see everyone before the chaos of newborn twins and a toddler take over our lives. We had a Diaper Raffle for those who brought us diapers and the prize was a Movie Night Basket. In the basket was a gift card to the movie theater, boxes of movie theater candy, and two cans of soda. I wanted to keep it for Dan and myself, but when do we ever have time to go see a movie?

Lastly, Lily has been helping Dan with painting the molding around the windows. She is too cute.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Hello 3rd Trimester

Why hello 28 weeks of pregnancy. It's been a rough road so far. My doctor didn't even think there for a while that I would make it this far. But here we are. The three of us. Hanging in there... literally.

My doctor is no longer in a real state of panic now that I've reached 28 weeks this past Thursday (8/28). The mortality rate has dropped so that's a good reason to relax a bit. There is still worry and concern, but nothing like it was a few weeks back. Hopefully I can go at least another 4 to 6 weeks before these two decide to come into the world.

I still have a shortened cervix. It now measures 1.3cm. So still no real activity for me. I even rode on one of the motorized carts they have at Target the other day. It felt like I was at an amusement park on one of the rides they have. It was embarrassing but I wasn't so out of breath and ready to pass out as I am when I walk so I'll continue to be embarrassed if and when I go again.

Lily is so concerned with my well being that I get upset when I think about it. She's putting all this stress in regards to if I'm OK and she's only 2 1/2. I wish I could take that burden away from her. The burden she just placed on herself. She has such a big and beautiful heart. Hopefully after Killian and Piper arrive, she will not then be so concerned about the babies. I don't want her to be concerned. At least not to the extent she is. She's a toddler, not an adult. She shouldn't have adult concerns.

Moving around is very difficult these days. I move slow and can't even go from the house to the car without getting out of breath. Getting up off the couch is a chore and don't even get me started on getting up off the floor. I know I probably shouldn't get on the floor but I have Lily who sometimes needs me down there.

My nails and hair are growing fast, thick, and strong lately. I cut my toe nails the other day and it will most likely be the last time I cut them before the twins arrive. I had so much trouble doing it. Too bad I can't get pedicures due to my Lymphedema, 'cause I would be going every couple of weeks. Oh well!

What other randomness can I tell you all about? I guess that's all for now, except to say I wish everyone has a great Labor Day and hope that I don't go into labor!