Friday, December 28, 2012

Weeks 46, 47, 48, & 49

Sorry for the missed blog posts. Here are the last 4 weeks…

Week 46: Dec 1 - Dec 7
  • Lily started clapping (really clapping) for the first time on Thursday (12/6)! She does it constantly now. She'll clap when we say "Hoo-ray!" She'll clap when she sees her bottle, and she'll clap for no apparent reason at all. 
  • Lily also started waving hello and good-bye on Wednesday (12/5).
  • Another new thing this week - Lily now dances to music! She'll bounce and put her hand up with her pointer finger in the air and wave it around. Can you say "CUTE!!!!"

Week 47: Dec 8 - Dec 14
  • Saturday (12/8) afternoon we brought Lily to meet Santa at the Sunrise Mall. Thankfully Dan had the bright idea to purchase a Fast Pass online beforehand which meant that we got to skip the line all together and see Santa right away. We would've waited on line for at least 45 minutes if we didn't do that.
  • Lily gave Dan and me a kiss for the first time Saturday (12/8) night. I didn't know what she was doing at first, but caught on pretty quickly after she came at me with her mouth wide open and put it around my mouth. I swear Dan and I don't kiss like that in front of her. We don't know where she learned that from!
  • On Sunday (12/9) Lily gave my mom a kiss near her mouth (I point this out for a reason - see the next bullet).
  • On Monday (12/10) Lily threw up a number of times and had diarrhea all day. She wasn't running a fever so that was a good thing. On the way to the doctor that night, she threw up in the car all over herself. Luckily I was stopped at a red light when it happened and was able to pull over pretty quickly. We got to the doctor and was told to only give Lily rice, water, and apple juice for the next few days. 
  • On Tuesday (12/11) Lily was starting to feel better. She still had some diarrhea but no more throwing up. At around 10:30am I started to feel sick. And boy was I! My mom had to come over to watch Lily for me. If I wasn't on the couch feeling sick to my stomach with the worst chills, I was in the bathroom. By the time Dan came home from work at around 6:30pm, I was running a fever of 102ยบ. I told Dan he had to stay home from work the next day to take care of Lily because I was so sick. He got a little upset not wanting to miss a day of work. But he had no choice. 
  • Luckily Dan did take off on Wednesday (12/12) 'cause he started throwing up around 5:30am and continued throwing up all day long. Later I found out that my mom was sick also - throwing up and whatnot. I started to feel better Wednesday night. Dan decided, with my suggestion, to call out sick again on Thursday (12/13).
  • Dan, my mom, and I would like to thank Lily for giving us the kiss of sickness! WOW!! I'm gonna guess that won't be the last time we all get sick together, but man I hope it doesn't hit us all the way it did this week!
  • Lily turned 11 months old on Friday (12/14). I take her monthly photo each time with her lying on her back. Lily wasn't having that this month so I got her standing. Whatever works!

Week 48: Dec 15 - Dec 21
  • On Saturday (12/15) I had to go to a photo shoot and Dan went into work. Dan's dad came over to watch Lily. As I was getting my jacket on to leave, Lily started crying. I felt so bad, but I had to go. She calmed down a few minutes after I left and Grandpa had an awesome time hanging out with his granddaughter for the first time by himself. 
  • On Tuesday (12/18) Lily and I had our last Mommy and Me class for 2012. I signed her up again for the next session beginning on January 8th. The other mommies also signed up again so that's good 'cause Lily likes the other babies and we all know each other now.
  • Thursday (12/20) I turned 35 - eeek! 

Week 49: Dec 22 - Dec 28
  • I spent Saturday (12/22) baking for Christmas. I made two different types of cookies and two different kinds of pies - pumpkin and funeral pie (sorta like a mince pie).
  • On Sunday (12/23) we went out to dinner with my family to celebrate Christmas a little early. My brother was leaving for California with his fiance, Cici, to spend Christmas with her family. We went to the Black Forest Brew Haus in Farmingdale.
  • On Christmas Eve (Monday 12/24) Dan and I hosted our annual Christmas Eve dinner with Dan's parents, my parents, and two sisters and a friend. We always have something different for dinner - this year was chicken pot pies. Thanks Mom for making them! They are always sooooo yummy. I made another pie that morning, this time an apple pie. My mom brought over her Christmas cookies, and Dan's mom made cookies as well. We had lots of good food and we all stuffed our faces!
  • On Christmas (Tuesday 12/25) we made our way to Dan's parent's house for brunch and then a late lunch and desert. I didn't try it myself, because I'm not big into cooked raisins, but I hear the funeral pie I made was very tasty. Dan and his parents seemed to really enjoy it. Lily got a doll that says "ear" "eye" "nose" etc, when you touch that area. If you haven't touched the doll after about a minute it says, "I am bored. Ugh!" I love it! It's so funny.
  • We made our way over to my parent's house for more desert. Every year we do Lotto scratch offs. This year, Dan and I were the big winners! We won a total of about $90! I had one scratch off that won me $50 alone!! Next year Dan and I buy the scratch offs. It's a new rule now - whoever was the big winner has to buy the tickets. That's OK, it's the least we could do for winning big 2 years in a row!

The last 4 weeks in pictures