Friday, May 18, 2012

A Great Mother's Day Week

Lily looks like she's thinking, "Oh geez, what are they doing to me?"

Dan, Lily, and I did our Mother's Day rounds on Saturday. I didn't want to go anywhere on Mother's Day because I wanted to just spend it alone with Lily and Dan. We went over Dan's parent's house first and ate lunch with them. After leaving their house we went to Babies R Us to get Lily some formula and a few toys. Then we went to my parent's house. I don't know what Dan thinks about watching his parents with Lily, but I think it's the funniest thing watching mine. My Dad is silly, but he's always silly. My mom, on the other hand, is a whole new person. I can tell she really loves being a grandmother. Lily makes her smile and laugh a lot. It's great to see!

Mother's Day. My first. It felt like it was my Birthday and in a way, it kinda was. The birth of motherhood and I get to celebrate that each year with my Lily. Dan got me a shirt and Lily got me the Disney movie Tangled. "She" said it is the start of a tradition to always get me a Disney movie for Mother's Day! Yippy!! Dan also went out in the morning to get fresh bagels, then made eggs and bacon to go with it. After breakfast we all went for a walk around the block being that it was like 80ยบ out. What a beautiful day!

On a side note: Lily's card to me made me cry. So did my Mom's card to me (that I got in the mail). After all that we've been through, after all I've gone through, this was a very special Mother's Day. Not just because it was my first, but because it was a long time coming.

Lily turned 4 months old. I can't believe how fast time is going by. It feels so long since I gave birth. I want to cherish every moment with Lily and never take it for granted. Lily is so sweet and happy. Dan and I are very lucky and blessed to have her in our lives.

Since Lily decided to come into the world at exactly 37 weeks, Monday was not only her turning 4 months old, but also her one year anniversary of conception. We had a lot to celebrate! Oh, and Lily celebrated by scratching herself under her right eye. She was fussing a little and I was doing something so I didn't go to her right away. Then all of a sudden I hear this horrible cry coming from her. I turned to her and she was bleeding. UGH! I hate when she's hurt. Stupid thing was that I had planned on cutting her nails that day, but she scratched herself before I did.

Lily went for her 4 month check up. She is now 15 pounds, 13 ounces, and 25 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile with weight and 78th percentile with height. We got the go ahead to start Lily on baby cereal: oatmeal, rice, and/or barley. This will be her last meal of the night. We started on Tuesday night. I think more went on her bib than in her mouth, but practice makes perfect, right? Wednesday night was a little better. She ate almost all of it, but only after giving her some formula beforehand. You can watch the videos below in This Week In Videos. Next month we can introduce fruit as her first meal in the mornings. Dan and I can't wait!

I went for my follow up doctor's appointment for the MRI I had done on my brain. There's nothing wrong with my brain and they can't see any root cause of the vertigo. On a side note, they did discover I have an abundance of polyps in my nose canal. The doctor looked up my nose and found that it's red and inflamed. This is news to me since I don't have a stuffy nose or sinus issues. She gave me a prescription for Nasonex. Two pumps in each nostril once a day for 28 days. She said it should clear up the inflammation and hopefully get rid of the polyps.

Went for a walk around the block with Lily. It was a really beautiful day out.

This Week In Pictures

This Week In Videos
(View all the videos from this week and past weeks on our YouTube Page)

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