Friday, March 2, 2012

Can I Play the "Why Me" Card?

Yes, why me? My left breast looks like it's been through a minefield. Not only did I have surgery on the 9th of this month which left me with 3 holes in my breast, but last Saturday I went to the ER and had surgery again which left me with a 4th hole. I weighed myself after this last surgery and I lost 2 pounds. Could they have sucked that much infection from me that it weighed that much?? Will my boob ever be the same again? I think if I get another abscess I'll have to cut off my breast… I don't think I have any room on there for another hole. The 3 infections the first time were staph infections, this time it was cellulitis. How the hell did I get that? Sad news: I have another red, hot spot on my breast by one of the holes. Could this be the start of yet another abscess? OMG, I pray to the boob Gods the answer is NO!!

The surgery was done right in the ER this time. I went to the ER with a packed bag thinking I would be admitted. Dan and I saw one of the surgeons that helped me the last time and she couldn't believe I was back. Because she knew my history and looked in on my surgery, she decided that instead of admitting me, she would be able to do the procedure right then and there. I got hooked up with an IV and was injected with pain meds. The meds were so strong I went cross-eyed. I didn't feel her touching the area until she injected numbing stuff with a needle into the area. That hurt a little. She then took a straw-like instrument to suck out the infection. It was so gross. The surgeon had to not only cut a new hole, but she had to re-open the hole that was just above it. I felt nauseous from the pain meds, so after she put the packing in the holes I asked the ER doctor for something to take away the nausea. I was put on IV saline and an antibiotic. The antibiotic was making me so itchy they had to give me benadryl. The benadryl lowered my heart rate so much they had to put me on oxygen. What a night! I'm glad Dan was able to stay with me the whole time. All in all we were in the ER for about 7 hours. Please let this be the end!

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