Friday, March 23, 2012

2 Month Checkup

Lily's 1st St. Patrick's Day - 3/17/12

Lily went for her 2 month checkup Wednesday and all is well. Here are her stats:

1 month checkup (February 20th): 9 pounds, 10 ounces, 22 inches
2 month checkup (March 21st): 12 pounds, 4 ounces, 22 3/4 inches

Wow! Our baby girl is doing great. Doc said she's in the 79th percentile with weight. Whatever that means. I don't really care about percentiles when it comes to Lily or anything else. Lily will grow at her own rate. I'm not over or under feeding her so it wouldn't matter to me if she was even in the 100 percentile. I feed Lily on demand, not on a schedule. She has her own schedule, just like adults do. Eat when you're hungry. Lily is pretty predictable when it comes to eating. She normally takes bottles at 5am, 9:30am, 2pm, 5pm, and 10pm - give or take 1/2 hour to hour. Luckily she gives us a good 6 to 7 hours of sleep at night. Being that she'll only be 10 weeks old tomorrow, sleeping through the night is awesome!!

Here's a chart that says Lily is in the 77.6 percentile: Don't forget to change the calculations to US/pounds if you want to check out your own baby's percentile. 

This was at 4:30 this morning- sorry about the low lighting.

Lily is making more and more sounds each day. We love to listen to her talk and laugh. I try to capture as much of it on video during the day so Dan can hear and see her doing it. Otherwise, it's my word against Lily's that she actually is making a lot of sounds. Sometimes she'll do it for me all day but when Dan comes home from work she'll be quiet or she won't do it as much. Getting it on video makes me feel like I'm not hyping up Lily to be a super baby only in my head - she really is a super baby!! OK, she's one to me and Dan.

OMG! I am living in a dreamworld where I have everything I've ever wanted - a loving husband and a beautiful baby. Also, I haven't had any new infections/abscesses in my breast recently so I'm healing well and am in no pain (knock on wood). I have been able to do more around the apartment and with Lily and I feel like a wife and mother again! I have been enjoying every second of my health with my family and am ecstatic that the weather is getting warmer and I'm able to get outside with my baby girl - even if it's just to take out the trash.

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