Friday, June 1, 2012

Week 19

During Lily's 19th week:
  1. We went to see the tall ships out in Greenport on Sunday. The first time Lily wore sunblock. It worked! No sunburn for her :) She did an awesome job with the car ride out there. Slept most of the way.
  2. Lily saw her Great Aunt Sue's house out in Greenport for the first time. She cried when we first got there. I think she was scared of the new surroundings. 
  3. Lily wore her new sandals and couldn't take her eyes off of them for a good 20 minutes.
  4. I got a new Mommy necklace. You can see it in the first photo below. It has a photo of Lily on one pendant, "Lily" written on the other pendant, "Mom" written on the center pendant, and two little heart charms with baby feet embossed on them for our two angel babies.
  5. Lily did some tummy time out on the grass on Monday.
  6. Lily's eating her oatmeal like a champ! She not only eats it off her spoon, but tries to eat it off her bib and the tray of her high chair!
  7. I decided to get contacts since I seem to be wearing my glasses more often. I've had them since Tuesday and am still getting use to them. I do feel like I see better with my glasses though. Oh well. At least Lily won't be grabbing at my glasses when she starts grabbing for things.
  8. Lily's been a little fussy this week. I think she may be getting her first tooth any day now, even though I can't see or feel any. She's been drooling like crazy, always has her fingers in her mouth, moves her tongue around, and sucks in her bottom lip. 
This Week In Pictures

This Week In Video

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