Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week 21

So much happened this week:
  1. Lily is now grabbing her feet and toes when she lays on her back!
  2. On Saturday, we welcomed Lily to the world by throwing her a party. This was in leu of a christening. Dan and I are not religious but still wanted to celebrate Lily's arrival. She wore a beautiful dress that Grams (my Mom) bought her. She looked so pretty. Grams made mostly all of the food and desserts which everyone loved. Lily's Grandma (Dan's Mom) made a great layered dip, a garden salad, and fruit salad. She also bought an awesome Baskin Robins ice cream cake that everyone said was so yummy. I didn't get to have a piece :( . Lily's Great Aunt SuSu made eggplant parmesan. I made chocolate chip cookies and caramel apple pie. It was a great day and Lily was such a good baby girl. ***Greatest line from the party goes to Kaylee (Dan's friend Matt's daughter): while I was holding Lily up to make her stand on the floor - my hands under her arms, Kaylee asked in a surprising tone, "Are those her real arms?" So cute!
  3. Sunday we went over my parent's house to get some left overs from the party to bring home. Lily had so much fun laughing at a water bottle Grams was shaking (watch the video below).
  4. Lily rolled over from her back to her front for the first time on Wednesday! (watch the video below)
  5. Thursday Lily turned 5 months old. Our little girl is growing so fast.
This Week In Pictures
Lily and Diggity
Jill loves Lily

Lily loved hanging out in the hammock with Aunt Krissy

Lily in her beautiful dress that Grams bought her

Yummy ice cream cake that Lily's Grandma bought for the party. 
4 Generations of Girls on my side! This is NOT everyone.
From left to right standing (according to Lily): 2nd Cousin DeeDee, Great Aunt Diane, 2nd cousin Nancy, 2nd cousin Louise, Aunt Jackie, Lily, Mommy, Grams, Great Great Aunt Ann, Great Great Aunt Dotty, 2nd cousin once removed Kate, 2nd cousin Carol, Great Aunt Debbie, 1st cousin once removed Shelby, soon-to-be Aunt Cici
From left to right kneeling: 2nd cousin once removed Lyndsey, Aunt Krissy, 2nd cousin once removed Jenn, 2nd cousin once removed Sarah, 1st cousin once removed Anne
Sprawled on the floor: Great Aunt SuSu
From left to right: Bob Braine, Harry Wackett and Wanda Wackett, Barbara Braine, Lily's Great Uncle Joe (Gorman) and Great Aunt Judy (Gorman), Lily, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, and Grandpa
Minnie and Mickey! A gift from her Great Uncle Artie.
Lily's face is priceless! She's like, "Why are they doing this to me?"

Just hanging out with Aunt Krissy
Lily feels grass for the first time!

Lily laughing at a water bottle. Watch the video below.
New this week: Lily holds her feet now!
This Week In Videos
Don't forget to watch all of the videos from this week on our YouTube Page

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