Friday, January 13, 2012

Full Term

OK, we've reached 37 weeks and Lily is considered full term! She can come at any point now and all will be fine.

I went to get an ultrasound done on Tuesday per the request of my midwife, Dale. Last week when she measured my belly it was higher up in size than what she was expecting. We were going to wait until this week to see if the measurements equaled out before actually getting the ultrasound, but Dale was speaking with her colleges at the hospital and they all thought it best for me to go in as soon as possible to get checked out.

A few things that concerned them was:
  1. Since I have lymphedema and retain a lot of fluid and protein in my legs, they wanted to make sure that wasn't causing a problem with the measurements in my belly
  2. They wanted to make sure I didn't have more amniotic fluid than normal
  3. They wanted to see the weight and length of Lily to make sure she isn't getting too big
Since I had to make the appointment ASAP, Dan was not able to go so my mother went with me to the hospital instead. We got to see Lily on the screen and she looked perfect! Chubby cheeks and all!! They estimated her weight to be 8 lbs 1 oz. There was a little more amniotic fluid than normal, but because of Lily's size and how far along I am, they said it wasn't anything to be too concerned about. Whew! That's good to hear.

Dan and I saw Dale last night (Thursday) for our weekly checkup and she confirmed that Lily is doing great. She tested me for Strep-B and chlamydia. I don't have chlamydia but the hospital needs the results on record so I can do the water birth. Since I was "in position" so to speak, Dale did an internal exam and said Lily is in a great position. I am already 1-2 cm dilated and labor can happen within the week! She stripped my membranes to try and get my cervix more ready for labor. Dale is concerned about the amniotic fluid, Lily growing too large, and the effect it could have on my lymphedema the longer the pregnancy continues. I want as natural a labor as possible so this may help move things along so I don't have to be induced with drugs. She also has me on some herbal remedies which could induce labor within a week. They are: Caulophyllum, Cimicifuga, and Belladonna. If I don't go into labor by next Thursday (our next appointment) I'll be getting another ultrasound done to make sure the amniotic fluid has not risen. 

Since I want to breastfeed Lily for at least a year, I had some concerns and wanted to learn more about it. My mother and aunts all had problems breastfeeding and all I've heard were horror stories of how much it hurts and how I probably won't be able to do it because of my fair skin tone. I brought this up to my midwife a couple of weeks ago and she lent me a book - The New Bestfeeding: Getting Breastfeeding Right for You: The Illustrated Guide. I read the book cover to cover and loved it so much I just ordered it. The edition I ordered is a newer version of the book so I'm excited to read it again to see what the new information is. The newer version of the book is pictured above. 

The book explains that it's all about positioning of you and the baby in order to get breastfeeding right. It also explains that no matter what, breastfeeding should never hurt as long as the positioning is right. I decided to buy the book as a reference for when Lily gets here. The book has a lot of pictures and illustrations that make it easier to understanding how to breastfeed. The book should be delivered by the end of next week. Let's see who gets here first: Lily or the book!

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