Thursday, December 15, 2011

Some Randomness This Week

33 weeks. Moving right along and everything still checking out as should be expected. At our Midwife appointment on Tuesday, we heard Lily's heart rate fluctuate from high to low. Dale said that's a good sign because Lily is now noticing her surroundings. I've been feeling Lily move like crazy lately. She's still head down, which is great, and it seems that her back is on my left side and her arms and legs are on my right side. That explains all the movement happening on the right. Lily doesn't just kick anymore, now she presses up and moves a limb across my belly. I can't tell what it is - a foot, hand, elbow, knee - but it's the coolest thing ever! At times, I play with her: she'll move across my belly then I'll move my hand across and she'll do it again. It's exciting to be able to interact with her.

I've gained 33 pounds so far and have seven weeks to go. I really hope not to gain more than nine more pounds. I average about a pound a week now, so as long as I keep that going, I'll be OK. Not that it has anything to do with my health or Lily's health, it's just my own personal goal. I dread reaching a certain amount on the scale. I won't mention what that amount is, but if you're smart you might figure it out.

At my shower I got the Baby Signs program. It seems pretty cool and I can't wait to try it out. I already know how to sign the alphabet and I know a few words, but this will teach me so much more. I hope Lily will catch on, then when she's older, we can sign to each other when we don't want others to know what we're saying. When I unwrapped the box, my sister Krissy thought the lady on the box was Ellen Degeneres.

Dan and I bought our Christmas Tree Saturday and decorated it on Sunday. I found this really cute ornament of a snowman couple who is expecting. I wrote 2011 on the bottom of it and if we happen to be pregnant on another Christmas, I'll write that year on the bottom as well. Next year's ornament will be for Lily - "My First Christmas."

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