Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Update On Some Testing

OK. So my last post had some not so good news. This post is a little better. As Dan will tell me, since he "yelled" at me for keeping it 'til the end, I will start off by telling you the results of the fFN Test. NEGATIVE!!! This means that I have a 99.2% chance of NOT giving birth within the next 2 weeks (from the date the test was given). Phew! That's a little comforting. I'll most likely be retested next week  and let's hope again that I still get a negative result.

The next test result I got back was for the gestational diabetes. That was also a negative! I wasn't too concerned with this one since I didn't have a problem when pregnant with Lily.

Now the last test result which came out positive. It seems that when they checked my urine, which they do every time I go in to the office, it came back positive for a urinary track infection. Of course. One more medication to add to my long list. I now am on HUGE antibiotic pills 2x's a day for 7 days. Now that I think about it, this is probably the reason why every time I have to go to the bathroom it hurts. I thought it was just from two babies pressing on my bladder. Good thing they test the urine, otherwise it could've gotten a lot more serious than it is now.

So, what now? Well, I still have a shortened cervix. I go to the OB once a week. My next appointment is on Thursday where my OB will most likely be measuring my cervix again. Next week, they'll most likely do the cervix check and the fFN test again. I don't believe I will need another steroid shot, but we'll see.

Anyway. Dan and I are a bit relieved for now and can sorta rest easy until next week. I don't know about Dan, but I am not mentally prepared to have these two babies within a month. My due date is November 20th, which seems a good distance away. Unfortunately, we are probably looking at their arrival sometime in September. Hopefully it's more towards the end of the month than the beginning. That'll give them a better chance at not having too many struggles.

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