Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 34 - 8 Months Old

  • On Saturday (the 8th) we brought Lily to see her pediatrician because of a cold. She started feeling sick with a runny nose on Thursday and by Friday, late morning, she was running a fever of 101.9ยบ. Luckily, Lily didn't run a fever for too long, and by Saturday morning she was fever free. At the doctor's, Lily was all smiles as Dr. Cheruvanky looked her over. No ear infection or strep throat. Lily just has a run-of-the-mill cold with a little red and irritated throat. So we just continued to do what we had been for the past day: lots of fluids, saline drops in her nose 2-3 times a day, Advil every 6-8 hours (if needed), and wiping her nose with Boogie Wipes. Boogie Wipes are the best, by the way. What a great thing! We got Lily the Great Grape Scent. I want to use them for myself when I get a cold. If you have kids and have never used these "tissues", GET THEM NOW!!! Love them!
  • On Sunday we were supposed to bring Lily to her free introductory class at The Little Gym in Levittown. Being that she still had the sniffles and not feeling much better, we skipped it. Not a big deal since we were only going to that one class anyway. The Little Gym is the same price as Gymboree for the Mommy and Me classes, so definitely not signing her up. Stupid $119 per month for ONE class.
  • On Tuesday I took Lily to a Mommy and Me class at Tot's-On-Track in Massapequa Park. At a total of $159 for 13 weeks, we couldn't go wrong. I signed her up and we will be attending the Caboosey Crawlers (3-14 months old) class every Tuesday from now until December 18th! I'm so glad I found them. I really want Lily to be able to interact with babies around the same age as her. Plus, it's good for me too, being able to interact with parents with babies around the same age as Lily. Her class consists of one 11 month old, three 8 month olds (includes Lily), and one 4 month old. All girls. We'll see if the next class has any new-comers, but 5 babies in the class is perfect!
  • NEW THIS WEEK: Lily can now sit by herself from a laying down position. I have not seen this first hand, but know she does it. What I do see is Lily laying on her stomach, then I turn my head for a second and when I look back, she is sitting up. She's so sneaky! It's like she does it on purpose so I won't see her do it. 
  • Lily just turned 8 months old today (Friday the 14th)! It's so exciting to watch her grow right before our eyes. It makes me sad though to think that I will not have my little baby for long. Soon she will be a big girl and want to do big girl things, then tween, then teen, then, well, I don't even want to think about that old. 

This Week In Photos

Lily "sicky face" before her doctor's appointment on Saturday
Lily's 1st visit to the doctor for a cold 

Lily finally fits into her size 2 sneakers!

Lily's 1st day at Tots-On-Track
The Caboosey Crawlers from left to right: Katie (I think that was her name) - 11 months old, Lily - 8 months old, Makayla - 4 months old, Valentina - 8 months old, and Lily - 8 months old

Lily likes her shorts on her head

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