Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week 32

  • Lily had a not so great day Sunday. I woke up at around 5:30am to the sound of Lily gagging on mucus. Brought her into bed with me & Dan. Then she woke up again around 7:30am gagging again, but this time she had spit up a lot of the mucus (the bed was drenched with it).  Dan held her while walking around the apartment to calm her down. Came back into bed. Tried giving Lily some water. Didn't want to lay her down right away so had her sitting up. Lily started to fall asleep while sitting up and fell over. I caught her and leaned her up against me so she wasn't laying down flat. She barely woke up when I was positioning her. She seemed fine after that and woke up around 8:30-ish.
  • During the day on Sunday, Lily didn't eat as much as she normally does even though she seemed to be hungry. For her last meal of the night, we gave her some formula. Within 20 minutes Lily threw up real bad. Luckily Dan had picked her up to change her and put her pajamas on so they were in the hall when she threw up, missing the rugs and amazingly Dan's clothes. Once she threw up, Lily must have felt much better because her fussiness was gone. We gave her a bath and kept her up for about an hour before putting her down in her crib. She seemed to be well again sleeping through the night.
  • Hopefully no repeats of Sunday will happen again. It's so scary when your baby gags on mucus. Lily did that a couple of times before. The first time was when she was about a month old. She was gasping for air and couldn't breath until I picked her up and patted her back. I cried because I was so scared and once she fell back to sleep I stayed up all night just watching her.
  • I am constantly reminded of how mentally hard it is to be a parent when things like this happen. All you do is worry. If I read or see something bad about another baby I cry and just think about how blessed we are to have a healthy baby. Then I think I might be jinxing Lily by saying that, so then I have to say to myself, "Lily is healthy. Please never let that change." Because I don't really believe in God, I don't know who I am talking to, but I do believe in other things so perhaps I am speaking to Koyasu-sama, the Shintō goddess of pregnancy, safe childbirth, and the healthy growth and development of children. 
  • We did go to the Nassau County Museum of Art on Sunday with Lily. It's a special place for me and Dan since we got married there. This was the first time bringing Lily. It was a nice day for it. We walked around the grounds and got eaten by a few bugs. 
  • On Monday, as I was cutting Lily's nails, a piece flew right into my left eye. OUCH!! Then it made me think that it could've flew into Lily's eye and I became thankful that I was the one who had to endure the pain. 
  • Lily is getting separation anxiety. On Wednesday I couldn't even turn my back to Lily without her crying. I tried wheeling her around with me in our apartment so she would be with me all the time. That meant wheeling her to the bedroom when I needed to put something away, wheeling her to the bathroom when I had to go, wheeling her into the kitchen when I was preparing dinner. I think I need to invest in a Moby Wrap. Her Baby Bjorn no longer fits, but a Moby Wrap will fit up to 35 pounds. 
  • Ok, so on Thursday I decided not to get the Moby Wrap. Instead, I got something better - The Baby K-tan. It's similar to the Moby Wrap except you don't have to fool around with the wrapping and tying aspect. It's just 2 loops of fabric and so easy to use.
This week in pictures

I walked into the room cause Lily was waking up from her nap and found her like this!
Lily and Daddy taking a nap


Hanging with Jill
Taking a nap in the hammock with Gram

This week in Video

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