Monday, September 1, 2014

Hello 3rd Trimester

Why hello 28 weeks of pregnancy. It's been a rough road so far. My doctor didn't even think there for a while that I would make it this far. But here we are. The three of us. Hanging in there... literally.

My doctor is no longer in a real state of panic now that I've reached 28 weeks this past Thursday (8/28). The mortality rate has dropped so that's a good reason to relax a bit. There is still worry and concern, but nothing like it was a few weeks back. Hopefully I can go at least another 4 to 6 weeks before these two decide to come into the world.

I still have a shortened cervix. It now measures 1.3cm. So still no real activity for me. I even rode on one of the motorized carts they have at Target the other day. It felt like I was at an amusement park on one of the rides they have. It was embarrassing but I wasn't so out of breath and ready to pass out as I am when I walk so I'll continue to be embarrassed if and when I go again.

Lily is so concerned with my well being that I get upset when I think about it. She's putting all this stress in regards to if I'm OK and she's only 2 1/2. I wish I could take that burden away from her. The burden she just placed on herself. She has such a big and beautiful heart. Hopefully after Killian and Piper arrive, she will not then be so concerned about the babies. I don't want her to be concerned. At least not to the extent she is. She's a toddler, not an adult. She shouldn't have adult concerns.

Moving around is very difficult these days. I move slow and can't even go from the house to the car without getting out of breath. Getting up off the couch is a chore and don't even get me started on getting up off the floor. I know I probably shouldn't get on the floor but I have Lily who sometimes needs me down there.

My nails and hair are growing fast, thick, and strong lately. I cut my toe nails the other day and it will most likely be the last time I cut them before the twins arrive. I had so much trouble doing it. Too bad I can't get pedicures due to my Lymphedema, 'cause I would be going every couple of weeks. Oh well!

What other randomness can I tell you all about? I guess that's all for now, except to say I wish everyone has a great Labor Day and hope that I don't go into labor!

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