Friday, January 11, 2013

Weeks 50 & 51

Week 50 - Dec 29 - Jan 4
  • Lily's 1st New Years. Dan and I stayed up to watch the ball drop then we went right to bed. We almost didn't make it. Isn't parenthood great?!
  • Lily's sleep schedule is all screwed up and we don't know why. We have been co-sleeping now for about a week. When she wakes up around 2:30am we change her diaper and give her a bottle. After that she just will not go back in her crib. I would let her cry it out but she's been doing this really loud and agonizing screechy scream. We share the bedroom with her so at 2:30 in the morning, who wants to hear all that noise? Not us! So we lay her in bed with us and she falls right to sleep. Funny thing is she sleeps so much better in our bed. She hardly moves around. When in her crib, she constantly moves. We think she needs more padding on top of her mattress. 
Week 51 - Jan 5 - Jan 11
  • OK, so Sunday (the 6th) Lily actually slept the night in her crib! She woke up at her use-to-be normal time - 12:30am, for a bottle then right back down in her crib she went until around 6:30am. It's been like that this whole week. I think it's because last Saturday we let Lily cry it out until she fell asleep. It took about 15-20 minutes for her to calm down and 15-20 minutes of Dan and myself being motionless in bed, but she did it. Let's hope she keeps this going.  
  • Purchased a bunch of stuff for Lily for the flight we will be taking in March for my brother's wedding in Key West. We bought her a travel bed that folds up into a flat ring, a travel play tray cover for the snack tray on the plane, a lap harness so Lily will be attached to one of us while on the plane, and a travel harness type high chair (it's just fabric that goes around Lily and the back of a chair). We will need more stuff, but that's good for now.
  • I also purchased Lily's first umbrella stroller. It's The First Years Ignite stroller. I read a lot of reviews and it seems to be one of the best without paying Maclaren prices. We will be bringing this stroller to Key West with us also.
  • Update on the stroller: Just got it delivered Thursday night (the 10th) and it is AWESOME! I really love it so far. The fabric is really soft and comfy, the 5-point harness rules, and the canopy is a really great size for an umbrella stroller. It has a smooth ride with 8 large wheels. I also love the pattern. It has a nice parent console and the handles feel good in my hands. It's also tall enough so Dan won't have a problem strolling along with it. It has a 2 position recline that's good and a sturdy foot rest. The best part - it holds up to 50 pounds and is really roomy! I know I just got it and haven't used it yet, but I can't see me hating this stroller. I just hope it holds up on the plane ride to Key West in 2 months. The airline did say that I can wheel Lily right onto the plane with it and they will store it in their closet right by the door so it should be fine. Here's hoping! 

  • THIS IS THE BEST BULLET OF THE WEEK: Lily took not 1, not 2, but about 10 steps right into my arms Thursday night!!!!!! I was so proud of her that I cried. I literally broke down and couldn't control myself. I was so happy and sad at the same time. Happy because she did it but sad because my baby is growing up so quickly. As soon as she can walk on her own she will be the most independent she's been ever and it sorta makes me feel less needed as a mom. Of course that's the stupidest thing to think because she is still a baby - only turning 1 on Monday the 14th, but that's what I was thinking. It's so weird how a woman without kids will think that a baby walking - really walking for the first time is "cool" and "yay for the baby", but a mom who will still think it's cool and yay for the baby will also be sad because it means her baby isn't going to be a baby for that much longer. People without kids will never understand that feeling. I didn't until I had Lily. Being a parent means your brain is now functioning completely different than before you were a parent. And unless you are a parent, you will never, ever be able to truly understand why I cried, well, like a baby.
  • Went back to see our fertility doctor today (Friday the 11th). I went so I can find out about testing and stuff for when Dan and I want to start trying for baby #2. I need to do IUI (intrauterine insemination) again. Sucks, but if that means a less likelihood of miscarriage I'm all for it. I don't ever want to go through that again, especially now that I have Lily to take care of. So while at the office, I got started on some testing. Things checked out OK today. I'll need to get blood drawn, Dan too, and then have another SHG (Sonohysterogram) done to make sure my uterus is normal. It wasn't last time and I needed to get surgery. I really hope it checks out this time.
Video of the week

Just skip the beginning and go to 1 minute. Lily does her hip jive dance!

I'm not slacking on the pics, I just am slacking on uploading them to my computer. Sorry.

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