Thursday, September 8, 2011

Getting Comfortable

I wonder if our baby is comfortable inside my belly. For the past week or so, I've been feeling movement. No real kicking yet, but I do feel when our baby is rolling and turning. At least once a day I feel it and it amazes me. This rolling makes being pregnant feel more real, like there is actually a baby inside of me.

I have noticed that our baby favors my left side. Whenever I feel the rolling, it's almost always on the left side and that area gets really hard. I'm assuming it's the baby's head or tushy that I'm feeling. I let Dan touch the area and he gets scared that we're pressing too hard and hurting the baby. I have to remind him that there is a sac of amniotic fluid surrounding and protecting the baby and it's not like we're digging into my belly, we're just touching.

Dan and I can't wait to start being able to feel the baby when we touch my belly. Those kicks and punches that I am desperately wanting to feel should be happening any day or week now that I am 19 weeks along. I know I should be careful what I wish for though. I'm going to be up all night because of those kicks and punches and wish I was right back to where I am now, with just the rolling.

It's amazing how fast a baby develops and all the changes a woman's body goes through when pregnant. You can't explain the feeling to someone who has not experienced it. There are no words to really describe what you're going through. It's fun to hear my mom talk about when she was pregnant with the four of us. I'm glad and somewhat honored that I get to be the one to give her and my dad their first grandchild.

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