Thursday, April 25, 2013

15 Months, 2 Weeks

It's really amazing how fast time goes by when you have a child. Lily turned 15 months old on Sunday, the 14th. How weird is that? She's getting so big. Her most favorite thing to do is dance. She doesn't even need music to do it. She must hear a beat in her head and away she goes moving and grooving. If she doesn't do something with music or dancing when she grows up we will be surprised. I guess Dan and I will have to get her into a dance class and some type of music lessons as soon as she's old enough. Can't wait to see her on a stage in a little tutu!

Our dreams of owning our own house are quickly coming to fruition. The seller is taking care of getting a c/o for a part of the house that didn't have one and she has to tear down an old deck before closing. Dan and I wanted the deck removed anyway so that saves us time and money, which is always fantastic! She just signed the contract on Tuesday so, HOORAY! We are "In Contract!" We won't actually close until sometime in July though, but that's fine. There's more things we need to take care of before then - house appraisal, mortgage, who we will use for home insurance, title search, etc.

Took Lily to the doctor for her 15 month check-up on Wednesday, the 17th. She is now 24 lbs, 7 oz and is 30 1/4" tall. Holy moly!!! I'm always told what percentile Lily is in but I don't pay too much attention. As long as she's healthy it's fine by me. You should never compare your child with anybody else's anyway. We are all different and grow at different rates. We all have different bodies so why have the percentiles? I guess just for a baseline, but again, does it really matter? Lily is in the 46th percentile in height and 74th percentile in weight.

"Yummy spinach, pea, & pear pouch all over me!"

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