Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week 20

What we did this week:
  1. Saturday we went to a summer party at our friends Chris and Laurie's house. It was a nice day for it. Lily met a bunch of new people and I got to see what it felt like to hang with a bunch of mommies (I'm in that group now!!).
  2. Sunday we went to Caumsett State Park on Lloyd Harbor near Huntington. It started off as a beautiful day but as we were walking the skies blackened. The wind picked up and the rain started to fall. It felt like a hurricane, it was so windy. We covered Lily as best as we could in her stroller and ran to the car - about a mile away!
  3. Lily loves oatmeal and barley. She eats it all up! Rice is a different story though. She does not like rice. She takes a few spoonfuls and starts to cry. When we fed it to her she spit up so much of her formula she had afterwards. So we don't know if she just doesn't like the taste of rice or it doesn't agree with her tummy. Guess we won't be giving her rice anytime soon.
  4. I started putting Lily in her crib for naps during the day this week. My Mom said it's better than having her take naps on the couch. I figured as much, 'cause when we laid Lily down for a nap on the couch she covered her face with her blanket. Guess it was too bright in the living room to take a nap. Once in her crib with the curtains closed, she fell right to sleep.

This Week In Pictures

Lily's cool shorts that fit like capris!

That's the George Weir Barn behind them. It was built in 1764

We made it to the car! Stupid rain :(

This Week In Videos

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